If you worry that you don't know about any coding language (ASP/ASP.NET/PHP...). You can follow this tutorial because we created a feature to make it very easy.
This tutorial show you how to integrate subscription form into your website and manager subscriber :
Step 1. Select 'Easy Subscription Form Creator'
Go to menu Tools -> 'Easy Subscription Form Creator'.
Step 2: Fill your information
Select category to Subscribe, Your website, Logo URL, SMTP Server to send email confirm, Go to URL after confirm.
Step 3: Copy the HTML and paste it to your website.
Copy the HTML code and paste it to your website.
Testing your subscription form and manage subscriber Here is tutorial about testing your subscription form and manage subscriber
Step 1: Input your email into subscription form.
Input your email into subscription form. Make sure the email you input doesn't exists in your mailing list before because UltraMailer will auto remove the duplicated email.
Step 2: Check the thank you page
Step 3: Click confirm link in your email
Step 4: Check the after confirm page
Step 5: Go to menu Edit -> Manage Subscriber
Step 6: The subscriber have been added to subscribe list
The subscriber email have been added to subscribe list and the category that you declared before in step 2. If it's already in unsubscribe list, it will be automatic removed from unsubscribe list.